Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

How to Re-Engage the “Quiet Quitters” in Your Workplace

Quiet quitting can take on a unique meaning in the healthcare world. Not going above and beyond your job requirements has a different meaning when your job requirements are actually quite demanding on their own. Plus, healthcare jobs almost always require going above and beyond to care for patients or clients.

So, what can you, as a healthcare leader, do to help quiet quitters find a healthy balance at work?

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

How To Stop Worrying About The Things You Can’t Control

In healthcare, it can be difficult to determine where to focus your energy. Whether you work in management or on the frontline, the number of issues you have to worry about on a given day can seem insurmountable.

That’s why it’s important to narrow your focus to the areas where you can have the biggest impact. Knowing how to do that will prevent you from burning out and help your team become more effective and efficient, resulting in a higher quality of patient care and a healthier work environment.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

3 Strategies to Improve Your Leadership Practice

Leadership is a crucial aspect of healthcare, and it's essential for healthcare professionals to continuously work on improving their leadership skills. Even if you don’t hold a formal leadership position, you can have a real impact on your team and patients by showing up as a leader when the opportunity arises.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

3 Ways Valuing Lived Experience Enhances Healthcare

Healthcare is a system based on education and expertise. As healthcare providers, we’re taught to value research, education and the expertise of physicians and specialists. We think about the patient as being in need of care and guidance. What we don’t think about as often is how patients and clients can guide us if we invite them to partner in their own treatment.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

10 Steps to Developing Resilient Healthcare Organizations

In 2022, there is little doubt in the minds of healthcare leaders that building organizational resilience is key to the success of the healthcare system as a whole. However, with the mounting challenges of labour shortages facing healthcare organizations, developing resilience within your team is easier said than done.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

How to Find the Right Coach

If you’ve decided to invest in coaching services to better yourself and advance your career, it’s time to choose a coach who will help you achieve your goals.

Choosing the right person to work with can feel daunting. No two coaches are the same, and a coach who worked wonders for one person may not be a good fit for someone else.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

5 Things a Coach Can Help With

Healthcare professionals sometimes think that coaching is meant for people in senior leadership positions who are struggling with their careers or want to improve their leadership skills. While coaching services can certainly help with those things, there are lots of other reasons that healthcare professionals seek coaching.

We’ve made a list of five things a coach could help you with, to help you make an informed decision about whether coaching is right for you.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

Focusing on the Front Line for National Nursing Week

This year’s theme for National Nursing Week is #WeAnswerTheCall, which has been designed to showcase the many roles that nurses around Canada play in a patient’s healthcare journey. 

For many Canadians, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of our healthcare system, and with that, negative headlines have run amuck. We’re here to break that cycle by spotlighting some of the profoundly positive stories in the nursing world. 

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

How the ‘Great Resignation” is Impacting Healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a whole new set of challenges for healthcare leaders across Canada and beyond. As we navigate what has come to be known as Canada’s "Great Resignation," it is becoming increasingly clear that labour shortages are on the forefront of every leader’s mind. 

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

What Healthcare Leaders can Learn from Street Nurses

We were honoured to welcome Registered Nurse Caroline Brunt, who works as a street nurse in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside, as a guest on our Central Line: Leadership in Healthcare podcast. Caroline spoke with us about the importance of street nursing, and her wisdom and experience offer some important lessons about the healthcare system and how we can all incorporate empathy, compassion, and patience into our practice as healthcare professionals.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

How EQ Drives Leadership During the Pandemic

As we move further into the COVID-19 pandemic, we are recognizing the need to adapt and shift instead of waiting for, and hoping for, things to get back to normal. Since we have no idea how long this may go on for there is a continued need to move forward into our “new normal”. This is often easier to do in theory than in practice and can be a substantial test of our Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

Burnout in the Healthcare Community

These are challenging times. Since the arrival of COVID-19, many of us have gone from already-demanding days of juggling family, work and other responsibilities, to feeling completely maxed-out with what feel like unsustainable adjustments, and no clear ending in sight. Health care workers are working longer hours, under even more highly stressful conditions than usual, and often left feeling like we have no more to give. And yet we have to keep going. This is when we can hit what is commonly known as ‘burnout’.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

This Is One of Those Times

We can all agree that our world, as we know it, has been turned upside down. With the outbreak of COVID-19 our lives have shifted into something that looks, and feels, very different. Similarly, work has also shifted for many, some are working in an altered way, some are working less, and some are no longer able to work at all.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

4 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Coach

Coaching is currently an unregulated industry, although there is a big push to change this. What this means is that currently anyone can hang out a shingle and call themselves a “coach”. This creates challenges for a variety of reasons, particularly when you are trying to decide which coach to hire.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

6 Strategies to Increase Your Influence as a Leader

Influence can be positive or negative, but influential leaders are focused on creating positive dynamics and working towards positive ends. Here are six tried and true strategies that can help you develop more skills to be influential as a leader:

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

Changing the Narrative

Words and actions contribute to the building of narratives that have a significant positive or negative impact on how we are viewed in the workplace.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

Compassion: Building Connection, Building Leadership

As the people of this world become increasingly interconnected there is a central need for this type of interdependency and connection. Compassion, which is grounded in relationship and relatedness, is essential for our ability to work with others, and for others. A commitment to compassionate leadership enhances our understanding, collaboration, and respect within our relationships, ultimately revealing deeper opportunities for meaningful change and impact.

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Leah Wuitschik Leah Wuitschik

Coming Full Circle

We were invited by the University of Calgary, Faculty of Nursing to work with the members of the Alumni Committee. As alumni ourselves, Leah BN '05 and Carol BN '75, we came full circle and were honoured to work with fellow alumni. These are the nursing leaders of today and tomorrow.

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